We Help You Report So You Can Get Back to Doing What You Do.

Mark Sheldon Web Applications ETCX Converter

The Problem:

When reporting your course completion data to CAPCE, you have two sets of options. The first set of options are the options CAPCE provides free of charge. They assume a certain basic level of technical expertise and understanding of the CAPCE audit and reporting processes. They are:
  1. Manual Entry - manually entering the records one-at-a-time into the CAPCE system. This option is the simplest, but it is also the most labor intensive. It requires no programming sophistication or knowledge of the CAPCE program API, since it leads you through the process for each record. The disadvantage is that it is a manual process which requires you enter each record manually. It is not recommended for large numbers of records.
  2. CSV Upload - export your data from whatever Database Management System you are currently using to a CSV file with the correct column headings and datatypes within those columns. A template is available from CAPCE. This process requires you have read and are familiar with the Provider Manual and Provider Technical Manual and have sufficient technical skills to code an export routine, or manually export the required data from your Database Management System.
  3. XML Upload - convert your conference data to an XML document which conforms to the CAPCE XML Schema, and upload it into the CAPCE system. This process requires you have read and are familiar with the Provider Manual and Provider Technical Manual and have sufficient technical skills to create and validate an XML document and ensure the data will pass Audit, then upload the data into the CAPCE System via its XML Upload application found in the Providers Only area of the CAPCE Web Site.
  4. Real Time Reporting API - create a web service client that reads your data into the CAPCE System via the Real Time Reporting Web Service. This option requires sufficient programming knowledge to create a web service client that will validate your data to CAPCE'S audit requirements, and send the records to CAPCE via its Real Time Reporting Service.
If you have the software and expertise available within your organization, one of the four options above will fit your needs.

Alternative Solutions:

If you do not have either the software or the expertise to handle the task within your organization your options are:
  1. If you are maintaining the required data (requirements may be found in the CAPCE Provider and Technical manuals found in its Providers Only Area ) and are able to export your data to a Microsoft Excel, Xml, or CSV file, all you need do is send us the file you'd like us to process. We test your data for CAPCE compliance and our unique auditing service pre-audits your data to ensure an accurate report free of errors is made every time. Our hourly rate for this service is $120.00/hr, one hour minimum.
  2. You may have already purchased an expensive Learning Management System to deliver and track your course material, and you love it,...or maybe not. Either way, it's disconcerting to find your system doesn't have any way of reporting to CAPCE. However, In most cases you can export your data to CSV, XML, or Excel, and if you're keeping all the required data, we can help with the rest of the process. Click here to contact us and get started.
  3. If you would rather handle the reporting yourself, purchase software ("CAPCE Reporting", available for $1800.00 here) which handles the conversion and upload of your XML, Excel, or CSV data. This service is available for the purchase price of the software, and requires little knowledge or technical expertise with the exception of having to create your XML, Excel, or CSV document with the proper column headings/Field Names, which the program will then analyze, audit, and if compliant, upload. Contact Us to get started today!
  4. If you need help, but don't want to use the reporting service, and don't want to purchase the software, consulting services/support is billed at $120.00 per hour with a one hour minimum. This includes a review of your file and an automated audit of your data. Issues are usually resolved in under an hour. If you'd just like to find out what's wrong with your file, this is the least expensive way to go. Click here to get started.
For further help with the CAPCE reporting process, please feel free to Contact Us or you may view any or all of the informational videos below:
  • CAPCE Reporting Click Here for a short demo of the CAPCE Reporting software. 
  • CAPCE Reporting Click Here for a short tutorial on our auditing feature. 
  • CAPCE Upload Orientation Click Here for the CAPCE Xml Upload Orientation.
  • CAPCE Upload Demo Click Here  for the CAPCE Xml Upload Demonstration